
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 1: Entering the Blogging World!

As a third grade (formerly fifth grade) reading teacher, I am anxiously awaiting the first day of school.  As teachers all over the United States can tell you, summer is a time to recharge your batteries, but the mind is constantly thinking about the upcoming year, as well as the new group of students, new lessons, classroom decor additions, discovery of new techniques, upcoming professional developments, graduate classes, the list goes on and on.  This will be my very first year in third grade.  As a fifth grade reading teacher in Kentucky, I have been responsible for teaching reading, language skills, on demand writing, as well as speaking and listening skills.   This past school year, I began using interactive notebooks and data notebooks with my students.  I fell in love with the organization and the student use that was developed through the use of these two amazing resources. I have decided to enter the blogging world for two reasons:  1) I want to share what goes on within the walls of my classroom because I LOVE teaching and learning and I think this is a wonderful way to share my experiences with others, as well as learn from their experiences.  2)  My family and non teacher friends really get tired of listening to me go on and on about teaching and education, so blogging will offer me an arena to share all of the things I would like to say with people who actually want to participate in the conversations and are as passionate about the field as I am!!

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