
Scott Foresman Reading Street 3rd Grade Materials

When Charlie McButton Lost Power:

Amazing Words PowerPoint

This is the first in a series of PowerPoints that will be made to provide Best Practice vocabulary instruction to my students.  In all of my years of teaching, I have consistently found that the lack of vocabulary is really what stumps student achievement.  Instead of simply giving a word, then having the student look up a definition, create a picture, write a sentence, etc.. I have found that presenting the word in context, then asking the students to use the provided sentences to develop their own definition, really forces them to think about the word and its meaning.  Instruction doesn't end there, after the students have their definition, I provide a teacher definition, then have them to compare/contrast their definition with mine.  You can add to word work by then having them to complete a deep processing activity such as drawing a picture, identifying antonyms, synonyms, or even having students to complete a word drawing (writing the word in bubble type letters including items or in a way that represent the meaning.)

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