
Friday, July 4, 2014

Data Notebooks--  Love Them!!!

I have just uploaded the standard sheets included in my third grade data notebooks.  I love using data notebooks and these sheets help to make student levels of mastery clear to students, parents, and administrators.  I love using Kristine Nannini's standard based assessments to monitor student growth.  You can find them at www.youngteacherlove.blogspot.com  After the unit has been taught, I assess using these amazing assessments, which I feel were heaven sent, to monitor the student's growth.  Students then monitor their growth by placing scores on the standard sheets in their data notebooks as well as a checkmark indicating their current mastery level (mastered, still working, or struggling.)  These data notebooks and monitoring sheets are a lifesaver during parent and administrator meetings.  I will also be uploading writing and language standard sheets.  Please click TpT store beside the image to go to tpt store and get your copy today!!!  

Happy Notebooking!!! 

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