Friday, September 28, 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

As most of you know, the beginning of the school year until about Christmas break is a mad dash!  This year, my 5th/6th graders have been just as busy as I have!  We have almost been through every single ELA standard once so far, I have attended a two-day Kagan learning event, been to an all day training approximately 2 hours away, started to work extensively on my social media presence with insta, and most of all have grown some amazing connections with all of my kiddos!  The Kagan training really was amazing and refreshing!  I also have the opportunity to attend the Kentucky Reading Association this year!  I have oodles and oodles of pics of awesome things that have been going on within my classroom.  I am going to upload several here, but for a more thorough picture of what has been going on in the classroom, head over to instagram by clicking on the insta icon to the right!

First up:  This is an amazing resource to implement cooperative learning and content!  Please head on over to my TPT to snatch this up!

Next Up:  This is an awesome literary inference lesson!  The kids were super engaged.  I did also do, what I call a character case, to get things moving.  Inside the character case, I placed a printout of the following:  soccer ball, the word resistance, soldier, map with Chile circled, faded out "composition," and an illustration of Pedro, the protagonist. We then did a read aloud, followed by the matching evidence to inferences activity, which is also available in my TPT. 

We also worked on Standard 8 with the Fortnite text located in the latest Storyworks!  The kids were beyond excited to have the opportunity to talk Fortnite in class! Grab the positive, negative, neutral statements to go with this activity in my TPT!

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